1. 高阻高耐磨碳漿 high resistance and high abrasion carbon paste 可提供方阻:10Ω/□~10MΩ/□,線性精度高,表面光澤度好,耐磨度極優,室溫阻值變化率小、持久穩定性高,所有方阻規格的溫度系數≤±500ppm/℃,表面硬度高,固化膜表面平滑、致密,接觸電阻小,滑動噪音小,廣泛用于電位器、傳感器等產品上,具體請來電來函咨詢。 square resistance:10Ω/□~10MΩ/□, high linear precision and surface gloss, excellent abrasion, the rate of resistance change at room temperature is little, high lasting stability, temperature coefficient of all Square resistance specifications:≤±500ppm/℃,high surface hardness, surface of curing film:smooth and dense, Contact resistance and sliding noise are small, widely used in potentiometers、sensors and other products, welcome to call us for details.
2. 薄膜開關用高阻碳漿 high resistance carbon paste used in membrane switch 單一組份,印刷基材:PET薄膜,優異的柔韌性、印刷性及附著力,表面硬度及光澤度高,阻值持久穩定性高,受溫度影響阻值變化極小,阻值線性精度及均勻度高,具體歡迎來電來函咨詢。 single component,printing substrate: PET membrane,excellent flexibility、printability and adhesion, high surface hardness and gloss, high lasting stability of resistance, resistance changes affected by temperature is little, high linear precision and uniformity of resistance, welcome to call us for details.
3. FPC高阻碳油 high resistance carbon oil used in FPC 對柔性基材聚酰亞胺(PI)膜的附著力好,柔韌性及抗撓曲性好,方阻:10Ω/□~10MΩ/□,固化膜表面平滑、致密、有光澤,固化膜阻值均勻度高,線性精度高,能滿足客戶對FPC高阻碳油多種規格要求。 good adhesion on the flexible substrate of polyimide (PI)film, good flexibility, square resistance:10Ω/□~10MΩ/□,surface of curing film:smooth、dense and shiny , high resistance linear precision and uniformity of curing film, can satisfy customers many specifications requirements of high resistance carbon oil used in FPC.
4. PCB高阻碳油 high resistance carbon oil used in PCB 對基材陶瓷板、環氧玻纖板、酚醛電木板等附著力優,印刷性