WSSF-411 WSSF-481 WSSF-481
WSS 系列雙金屬溫度計產品簡介
WSS Series Bimetallic Thermometer Introduction
WSS 系列雙金屬溫度計是一種適合對流體蒸氣的中低溫度進行直接測量的測溫儀表。
WSS series bimetallic thermometers are designed to directly measure low and medium temperature of fluid steam.
The sensing element "Bimetallic Coil" is composed of 2 indivisible metal sheets. Since the 2 metals have different rates of thermal expansion, the bimetal deforms varying with temperature. This expansion is almost in proportion to temperature. The one end of bimetal is fixed, the other end is connected to mechanism to drive pointer.
The sensing elements adopt Japan bi-metal spirals.Quick response and high accuracy.
SUS 304 不銹鋼等離子焊外殼,旋壓密封工藝,具有較強的抗震,防濺和防腐性能,并且無汞害、易讀數、堅固耐用。廣泛應用石油、化工、機械、船舶、發電、紡織、印染、醫藥等工業和科研部門。
The crimped and is from arc welded AISI 304 St.St. case has very good resistance to vibration, corrosion and splash.
WSSF 防腐型雙金屬溫度計WSSF Corrosion-Proof Bimetallic Thermometer
WSS 普通型雙金屬溫計WSS General Service Bimetallic Thermometer
WSSDX 電接點式雙金屬溫度計 WSSDX Electric Contact Bimetallic Thermometer
歡迎致電咨詢訂購Zoriver工業用雙金屬溫度計WSSF-411 WSSF-481 WSSF-481
電話:010-51669912 56291930 15910733293