      21/2”, 31/2”, & 41/2” series General Service Pressure Gauge is an economic pressure gauge for normal medium, to measure vacuum and mix pressure up to 5000psi.It is applied to water, oil, air, gas or other non-corrosive medium.
      精度等級± 3/2/3%(超過全量程的一半后存在±2%誤差) 國內1.5%
      Accuracy: ± 3/2/3% (there is ± 2% error when the pressure overrun half of the full scale of value )
      測量范圍0 to 30 Hg VAC;聯程30”Hg to 400psi;0 to 5,000psi
      Range: 0 to 30 Hg VAC mix range 30”Hg to 400psi 0 to 5,000psi
      Connection: 1/8”and 1/4”NPT, See type table
      Case: 21/2”, 31/2” iron case with black plastic painted 41/2” iron plating case.
      Bourdon tube & socket: Copper alloy tube with phosphor copper socket, soft soldering
      Internals: Copper alloy
      儀表玻璃21/2”、31/2”有機玻璃旋緊式 41/2”平板塑料玻璃帶金屬緊固圈
      Window: 21/2”, 31/2” plain plastic, screw fixed 41/2” plain plastic glass with metal fixing loop
      Dial: Aluminium, white with black marks, double scale of PSI and Kpaother non-corrosive medium.