FN3負荷開關 FN3-12高壓開關
1、FN3-12、FN3-12R、FN3-12R/S負荷開關系戶內裝置的高壓電器。適用于交流50Hz、6KV或12KV的網絡中,作為開斷和閉合負荷及過荷電流之用,亦可用作開斷和閉合空載長線。空載變壓器及電容之開關。帶有RN3型熔斷型的負荷開關(FN3-12、FN3-12R/S)可切斷路器,作保護開關之用。 2、本負荷開關可配用CS3型及CS2型手動操作機構進行操作。 1、FN3-12、FN3-12R、FN3-12R/S Series are used in the network of AC 50Hz、6KV or 12KV for breaking or closing load and over-load current. they are also used in breaking and closing no-loading . The switch or no-load transformer and capacitor with KN3 type fuse box. Can cut off short-circuit for protecting switch. 2、They can be equipped with CS3 type and CS2 type handle operating mechanism. 工作條件 Serviec Condition 1、海拔不超過1000米; 2、周圍空氣溫度不高于+40oC及不低于-10oC; 3、空氣相對濕度不大于90%的戶內場(當溫度為+25); 4、無導電性塵埃的環境中; 5、無破壞金屬和絕緣的腐蝕性氣體的物體; 6、無劇烈震動和沖擊的地方; 7、無燃燒與爆炸危險的環境中。 1 、The altitude does not exceed 1000m. 2、The ambient air temperatrue : Max:+40oC. Min:-10oC. 3、The relatire humidity of air not bigger 90% (temperature:25oC) 4、The working situation have no conductivity dust. 5、The working situation have no corrosive gas of effect insulation anddestroy metal. 6、The working situation without violent vibration and striking. 7、The working situation have no explosive danger and fire. 技術參數 Technical parameter 1、負荷開關的基本技術數據應符合下表的規定: The load switch is suitable for the basic technical parameter (please see the table) 型號 Type 額定電壓(KV) Rated voltage 最高工作電壓(KV) Max.working voltage 額定電流(A) Rated current 動穩定電流(KA) Machine stabling current 熱穩定電流(kA/s) Heat-stabling current FN3-12 12 12 400 25 10/2 2、負荷開關所配帶的熔斷器的型號及數據應符合下表的規定: The load switch witch fuse box is suitable for the technical parameter (please see the