1,工作原理 RDN系列制氮機是根據變壓吸附原理,采用高品質的碳分子篩作為吸附劑,在一定的力學效應,氧在碳分子篩微孔中擴散速率遠大于氮,在吸附未達到平衡時,氮在氣相中被富集起來,形成成品氮氣。然后減壓至常壓,吸附劑脫附所吸附的氧氣等其它雜質,實現再生。一般在系統中設置兩個吸附塔,一塔吸附產氮,另一塔脫附再生,通過PLC程序自動控制,使兩塔交替循環工作,以實現連續生產高品質氮氣之目的。壓力下,經過凈化干燥的壓縮空氣,在吸附器中進行加壓吸附、減壓脫附。 本公司可提供產量從3-3000Nm3/h,純度從95%--99.9995%的氮氣,可廣泛應用于化工、電子、紡織、煤炭、石油、天然氣、醫藥、食品、玻璃、機械、粉未冶金、磁性材料等行業。歡迎廣大新老客戶來本公司考察洽談。 2,技術指標 空壓機壓力:0.6-1.0Mpa 氮氣流量:3-3000Nm3/h 氮氣純度:90%-99.9995% 氮氣出口壓力:0.2-0.85Mpa 原料:潔凈壓縮空氣 備注: 詳細技術環節,請撥打我公司24小時服務熱線咨詢:86-0571-69920008 86-(0)13588398307,或者請我公司相關人員現場交流或者由銷售內勤寄發詳細相關資料。 RIDE RDN Nitrogen Generator 1,Working Principle PSA (the PSA) is a new gas separation technology, its principle is the use of gas molecules of different molecular sieve "Absorption" of the differences in performance will be separated from gas mixtures. It is based on the air as raw materials, using a high-performance, high on the selection of solid nitrogen and oxygen adsorbent selective adsorption performance of the air out of nitrogen and oxygen separation. Carbon molecular sieve nitrogen and oxygen on the role of the separation is based mainly on these two gases at the surface of carbon molecular sieve different proliferation rate, the smaller the diameter of the gas (oxygen) the proliferation of faster, more solid phase into the zeolite. This gas can be nitrogen-rich ingredients. Period of time, the molecular sieve adsorption of oxygen balance, in accordance with carbon molecular sieve pressure in different gases on the adsorption of different adsorption characteristics of carbon molecular sieve to reduce stress&n