產品簡介: Brief 耐火纖維粘結劑是用于耐火纖維之間、耐火纖維與其它材料之間的粘結材料;高溫表面涂料和纖維表面硬化劑可提高陶瓷纖維產品的抗風蝕能力及抗化學侵蝕性能。有效提高耐火纖維 的使用效果和使用壽命。 The refractory fiber cement is used to bind refractory material; high temperature surface paste and fiber surface hardener can improve the ceiamic resistance wind speed and resistance erosion comprehension,It can effectively improve refractory fiber the usage effects and lengthen usage time greatly. 產品特性: Advantage 與華億陶瓷纖維制品相匹配; Matching with the HuaYi products. 高溫下優良的化學穩定性; Excellent chemial stability at the high temperature. 結合強度高; High binding comprehensive. 抗高纖維表面風速性能(熱面噴涂); Improve the comprehensive in resistance wind speed in the fiber surface(the heat face spray). 提高纖維表面抗侵蝕性能。 Improve the comprehensive in resistance ero-sion in the fiber surface.ero-sion in the fiber surface. 應用范圍: Application range 纖維制品之間的粘結; Binding between the fiber products. 纖維制品與耐火磚、耐火澆注料表面之間的粘結; Binding fiber products to refractory bricks wall, between refractory pour-ing products wall. 纖維制品與爐殼鋼結構之間的粘結。 Binding fiber products to the steel construction of stove outside.