Thermanit 625 TIG rod
Classifications high-alloyed
EN ISO 18274: AWS A5.14:
S Ni 6625 (NiCr22Mo9Nb) ERNiCrMo-3
Characteristics and field of use
Nickel based alloy high resistance to corrosive environment. Resistant to stress corrosion cracking.
Resistant to scaling up to 1100 °C (2012 °F). Temperature limit: 500°C (932°F) max. in sulphureous
atmospheres. High temperature resistant up to 1000 °C (1832 °F). Cold toughness at subzero temperatures
as low as –196 °C (–321 °F). For joining and surfacing work with matching/similar corrosion-
resistant materials as well as0n matching and similar heat resistant, high temperature resistant
steels and alloys. For joining and surfacing work0n cryogenic austenitic CrNi(N) steels/cast steel
grades and0n cryogenic Ni steels suitable for quenching and tempering.
Marks (rods0nly)
2.4831 / ERNiCrMo-3
Base materials
TüV-certified parent metal
1. 4547 – Alloy 254SMO – UNS S31254 – X1CrNiMoCuN20-18-7
1. 4876 – Alloy 800 – UNS N08800 – X10NiCrAITi32-20
1. 4958 – Alloy 800 H – UNS N08810 – X5NiCrAITi31-20
2. 4816 – Alloy 600 – UNS N06600 – NiCr15Fe
2. 4856 – Alloy 625 – UNS N06625 – NiCr22Mo9Nb
and combinations of aforementioned materials with ferritic steels up to
S355J, 10CrMo9-10 and 9% Ni steels.
Typical composition of welding rod (Wt-%)
C Si Mn Cr Mo Ni Nb Fe
0.03 0.1 0.1 22.0 9.0 Bal. 3.6 < 1.0
Mechanical properties of all-weld metal
Heat Treatment Yield strength
Impact values
in J CVN
MPa MPa % +20°C: –196°C
AW 460 740 35 120 100
Operating data
Polarity = – Shielding gas (EN ISO 14175):
Dimensions (mm)
1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2
Approvals and certificates
TüV (3464.), DB (43.132.25), DNV (W 10652)