用途:廣州市東方電線電纜廠額定電壓300/300V導體最高溫度105℃聚氯乙烯絕緣安裝電線,該電線選用99.95﹪純銅,優質塑膠應用光管支架,電子鎮流器,變壓器,光燈支架,燈盤和淨化燈盤上等。 歡迎流覽網站:http://www.cabledf.cebiz.cn Installed with wire map 13600023420 Name: PVC insulated copper wires used to install Model: AVR Product specifications :0.2-0.4 mm 2 Uses: Guangzhou City, Oriental rated voltage wire and cable conductors 300/300V maximum temperature of 105 ℃ PVC insulated wires installed, the selection of 99.95% pure copper wire, high-quality plastic stent application of fluorescent tubes, electronic ballasts, transformers, light frame,dengpan upper dengpan and purification. Welcome to browse the website: http://www.cabledf.cebiz.cn