Capability Working Voltage: 1.8V-3.2V Transmit Distance: Far: >3m Mid:>2.5m Near:>2m
Transmitting Current: <15mA
Current when the device’s on but not working Battery Save Mode Off <0.45mA Battery Save Mode On <0.15mA
Current when turn off the device: <0.15mA Working time (with 2 AAA 1.5V battery, save mode): > 3 months
Main Function
1. Distance: 3-level adjustment for transmitting distance. Shorter distance will require less power. 2. Sensitivity: 3-level sensitivity, highest level makes the highest ability of identification. 3. Auto Off/On Function: set up the time to get longer battery life. 4. Bilingual Feature: user can select Chinese or English 5. Battery Indicator: icon in the up right of the screen shows the battery life 上海皓澤電子有限公司 郵編: 201100 上海地址: 上海市七莘路2099號華友大廈北11樓 ; 工廠地址:上海閔行區金都路3268號莘莊工業園二號樓西2層。 上海電話: 86-21-51696464 上海傳真: 86-21-54832405 北京地址:北京市朝陽區廣渠門外大街8號優士閣A座 北京辦事處電話:86-010-58614699 北京傳真:86-010-58417701 郵箱: [email protected] 網址: