BZM-10 額定電流Rated current 照明 For illuminating 防爆開關Explosion-proof switch ■適用范圍Applications 1.1區、2區爆炸性危險氣體場所; 2.‖A、‖B、‖C類爆炸性氣體混合物環境; 3.戶內、戶外(IP54、IP65*)。 1.Hazardous:division1&2 2.Explosive gas atmosphere:class ‖A、‖B; 3.Indoor or outdoor(IP54、IP65*) ■ 產品特點 Features 1.鋁合金外殼壓鑄成型,表面噴塑,外形美觀; 2.內裝隔爆開關元件; 3.防塵防水性能良好可靠; 4.鋼管或電纜布線。 1.Enclosure is cast with aluminium alloy,surface is sprayed with plastic,fine outline; 2.Built-in flame-proof switch components; 3.With perfect dust,water proof functions; 4.Wiring with steel tube or cable