Loctite樂泰495—瞬干膠 20g 通用型,塑料粘接型、中低粘度。用于粘接橡膠、 金屬和塑料件。能填充0.10mm的間隙。橡膠增強型,中等粘度,耐沖擊, 耐振動,耐剝離及耐熱性能優良。 產品特性: 顏色:透明無色; 類型:乙基; 粘度(mPa.s):20~60; 固化速度:初固15秒/全固24小時; 剪切強度(Mpa)粗沙打磨鋼材:12/26; 比重:1.05。 一盒10支,以上為單支報價! 一、膠水儲存環境 產品請儲存在密封的容積里,并置于干燥的環境下。 1.螺紋膠,硅橡膠,圓柱膠,促進劑:最佳儲存時間為8 °C - 21 °C,儲存環境的溫度沒有達到8°C或大于28°C會對產品的性能造成不利的影響。 (附上英文:Storage Store product in the unopened container in a dry location. Optimal Storage: 8 °C to 21 °C. Storage below 8 °C or greater than 28 °C can adversely affect product properties) 2. 瞬間膠:最佳儲存時間為2°C - 8 °C,儲存環境的溫度沒有達到2°C或大于8°C會對產品的性能造成不利的影響。 (附上英文:Storage Store product in the unopened container in a dry location. Optimal Storage: 2 °C to 8 °C. Storage below 2 °C or greater than 8 °C can adversely affect product properties.) 3、膠水從容器中取出之后,在使用期間,可能會被污染,請勿將其放回原來的容器中!顧客如果沒有按照上面的要求進行儲存,出現任何性能下降,質量問題,本店將不承擔責任,所有商品不允許退還!請顧客謹慎購買! (附上英文:The shop cannot assume responsibility for product which has been contaminated or stored under conditions other than those previously indicated.All the goods does not allow to be returned!Please customers bought carefully!) 聯系電話:189-2947-6777