1區、2區危場所. IIA、IIB、IIC類爆炸性氣體環境 Can be used Zone 1 and Zone 2 dangerous places. Can be used in IIA,IIB,IIC group explosive atmosphere.
型號含義Model implication
總單元含義 Application of chief art
第一單元含義 Application of first part 第二單元含義 Application of first part
第三單元含義 Application of first part 第四單元含義 Application of first part
主要技術參數 Main technical parameters 使用類別Using sorts 額定工作電壓(V)Rated wording voltage 額定工作電流(A)Rated working current 防護等級 Protection category AC-3 AC-4 220 38010 IP65
防爆標志Exed II CT6 防腐等級Corrosion-proof grade 進線口螺紋(G") 電纜外徑(Φ,mm)Cable’s outside
Exed II CT6 WF2 1* 12-17
產品特點 Features 增安型外殼,內裝元件防爆元件. The enclosure is incneased safety inside aremounted Explosion-proof typeelements. 外殼采用玻璃纖維增強不飽和聚酯樹脂壓制而成,具有 The shell mould-shapedby glass fiber reinforced and