BZH51防爆防轉換開關(ⅡB ⅡC)
產品訂購電話 13736388351
.1區 2區危險場所.
.IIA IIB 類爆炸性氣體環境.
。Can be used in Zone l and Zone 2 dangerous places.
。Can be used in IIA IIB group explosive gas environment.
。*Please note if want llC or safety reinforced type .
。Temperatur classes;T1-T6.
。The shell is of diecasted Al-alloy with plastic-sprayed surface.
。Inside is mounted conversion switch,rsed as power switch to control motor,adjust speed,convet direction
in the ystem of not more than60A,
。Use steeltubeor cable wiring.
。Please note if want llC or safety reinforced type .
BZH51防爆防轉換開關型號含義 Model Meaning
BZH51防爆防轉換開關主要技術數據 Main Technical Parameter
Type 額定電壓
Rated voltage
(V) 額定電流(A)
Rated current 防爆標志
Es-mark 電纜外徑(φ,mm)
outer diameter
BZH51-10/ 220/380 10 Exde II BT6
Exde II CT6 10~14
BZH51-25/ 25
BZH51-60/ 60
BZH51防爆防轉換開關外型舉例 Outline example
型號Type A B C D 備注Remark
BZH51-10/ 132 215 115 98 IIB
BZH51-25/ 185 240 160 130
BZH51-60/ 224 372 192 165
型號Type A B C D E F 備注Remark
BZH51-10/ 153 132 110 - 230 114 IIC
BZH51-25/ 214 190 164 113 360 186
BZH51-60/ 330 308 210 190 450 176