格力中央空調B系列模塊化風管送風式空調機組 福州緣友制冷設備有限公司 聯系電話:0591-83282007 格力中央空調B系列模塊化風管送風式空調機組由一臺或數臺風冷室外機連接一臺相同容量的直接蒸發式室內機構成單制冷系統,向一個或多個區域直接提供處理后空氣的空調機組。機組容量范圍20-65KW,模塊化設計,在使用過程中可實現多級的部分負荷運行,對電網沖擊小,運行效率高。可廣泛適用于家庭、賓館、餐廳、辦公室、會議室等。 機組的特點:機組模塊設計,運行平穩可靠、雙感溫包控制技術、電子膨脹閥調節技術、機外靜壓可調、可引入新風功能、低噪音設計、工程安裝簡便,應用靈活、完善的自我保護功能等。 Direct evaporation type indoor machine of Gree central air conditioning of B Series modular ducted air conditioning unit consists of one or several typhoons cold outdoor machine is connected to a same capacity of a single refrigeration system, provided directly to one or more regions of air conditioning unit. The unit capacity 20-65KW, modular design, in use process can realize the multi part load operation, little impact on the power grid, high operating efficiency. Can be widely suitable for families, hotels, restaurants, office, meeting room, etc.. Characteristics of the unit: unit module design, stable and reliable operation, the double temperature control technology, the electronic expansion valve control technology, external static pressure adjustable, can introduce fresh air function, low noise design, engineering, installation is simple, flexible application, improve self protection function.