面膜加盟,廣州格林沃爾化妝品有限公司. 面膜加盟18319966637江小姐面膜加盟www.greenworldco.cn面膜加盟廣州格林沃爾化妝品有限公司 功效: ●滋養、緊膚幫助肌膚提升彈力,緩解肌膚松弛、下垂、皺紋、暗啞等多重老化問題,呈現由內而外的彈性緊致。 ●采用先進的高溫噴絲工藝、將珍貴的天蠶絲蛋白纖維制成薄如嬋翼的面膜貼,輕、薄、透、貼,仿若無物,宛如人體肌膚,是目前奢華的面膜體驗享受。 ●提供超越普通面膜三倍的精華吸收量,幫助促進肌膚天然骨膠原和彈性蛋白的合成,改善下垂變形,重塑肌膚質地與彈性,平復皺紋細紋,締造強韌、健康、豐盈的活力肌膚。 Nourish and firm skin .strengthen firmness .solve droopy ,dull and ageeing probles .firm wrinkles ,and make skin firm from within . ●Apply advanced hith temperature spinning technique with ligth ,thin ,clear and compatible nature as the second layer “skin"of human body without any buredn on skin , is the most deluxe enjoyment at present . ●Provice 3 times of absorption compared with common facial mask,assist to promote the formulation of natural ossein and elastin 廣州格林沃爾化妝品有限公司