

主營:LED防爆燈,防爆無極燈,防爆節能燈,LED防爆熒光燈,防爆熒光燈,海洋王燈具,防爆接線盒 ,防爆電磁起動器,防爆投光燈,事故搶險燈
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  • 產品產地:浙江樂清
  • 產品品牌:BXM(D)8050
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  • 計量單位:0
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  • 更新日期:2014-03-10 10:11:07
  • 有效期至:2024-03-07
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BXM(D)8050防腐配電箱 詳細信息

適用范圍Application 1區、2區危場所. IIA、IIB、IIC類爆炸性氣體環境 Can be used Zone 1 and Zone 2 dangerous places. Can be used in IIA,IIB,IIC group explosive atmosphere. 型號含義Model implication 產品特點 Features 本產品為復合型,外殼采用玻璃纖維增強不飽和聚酯樹 脂壓制而成,內裝斷路器為我公司特制的防爆元件, 殼采用增安型結構具有較好的防水,防塵和耐沖擊等優 良性能,由于產品主要部件均采用工程塑料,因此具有 較強的防腐性能. 本產品經過科學的優化設計,產品結構輕巧,緊湊,但 用戶安裝接線和維修空間較大. 具有過載短路保護功能,可根據要求增加漏電保護等 功耐 鋼管或電纜布線均可. 符合GB3836-2000,IEC60079,標準要求. . The products are combined type,the shell is made of glass- fiber and unsaturated poyester-resin,inner circuit breaker is our company’s special explosion-proof element,the shell is safety-increased stuctrue,with the excellent functions of wter Proof,dust-proof and impulsion withstanding,because the main compo nents all use enginering plastic,so it has the function of strong corrosion-proof.dust-proof and impulsion withstanding because the main compo nents all use enginering plastic,so it has the function of strong corrosion-proof. The product uses scientfic optimized design,light and com- Pact structure,but.there is big space for the users to install and comec maintain. With the protection of overload,and shrt-circuit,it can add the protection offleakage according to the demand. Steel tube wiring or cable wiring. Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request


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