

主營:冷水機,工業冰水機, 風冷式凍水機,低溫冷水機,冷水機組,吸料機,干燥機,加料機
您現在的位置: 機械及行業設備 > 通用機械 > 制冷設備 > 深圳市文惠機械設備有限公司 > 供求信息
  • 產品產地:中國廣東
  • 產品品牌:文惠
  • 包裝規格:WHAF-02F
  • 產品數量:200
  • 計量單位:臺
  • 產品單價:16800
  • 更新日期:2018-01-23 10:16:26
  • 有效期至:2028-01-21
  • 收藏此信息
工業冷風機,冷風機,深圳冷風機,工業低溫空調,冷水機 詳細信息


▲ 系統經優化設計而成,設備具有高能效比
▲ 長射程專利設計,與同類產品相比具有低能耗,送風距離遠的特點
▲ 多種融霜方式可供選擇,融霜時間短、效果好
▲ 采用電熱化霜型帶雙重過熱保護,杜絕因化霜失控導致冷庫溫度升高和發生火災的隱患
▲ 提供微壓差控制器選裝件,智能控制化霜頻率,做到“有霜則化、無霜不化”,與目前普遍采用的定時定頻次化霜相比,可以減少化霜引起的溫度回升和節省化霜的能耗
▲ 提供不同的殼體材質選擇:鋼板噴塑、不銹鋼、防銹鋁合金
▲ 采用防氧化氣體保護焊接工藝,系統內清潔度高
▲ 盤管以新穎方式布置,以減小風側阻力,接觸熱阻小,傳熱效率高
▲ 采用專用的風機電機,防潮濕、耐低溫、風量大、噪聲低、運轉平穩可靠
▲ 出風溫度在-25~+10℃,可根據客戶要求來選型。

▲ The system has been designed to optimize equipment with high energy efficiency
▲ Long-range patent design, low energy consumption compared with similar products, the characteristics of air distance
▲ A variety of methods to choose from defrosting,defrosting time is short, the effect is good
▲ The use of electric defrosting type with double thermal protection, to prevent loss of control due to defrosting refrigerator temperatures and cause fire hazards
▲ To provide micro-differential pressure controller, optional parts, intelligent control of frost frequency, so that"There is of frost, frost is not of", And now widely used in time compared to fixed frequency of frost, frost can cause reduced temperature rise and energy consumption savings of cream
▲ The shell material provide different options:spray steel plate, stainless steel, rust-proof aluminum alloy
▲ Using the oxidation gas welding process, the system cleanliness is high
▲ The coil arrangement in innovative ways to reduce the air-side resistance contact resistance is small, the heat transfer efficiency
▲ Using a dedicated fan motor,anti-moisture,low temperature,air volume, low noise, smooth and reliable operation
▲ The air temperature-25~10℃, selection according to customer requirements.



▲ WHAF型系列冷風機可與不同制冷量的壓縮冷凝機組配套作為制冷設備,用于不同庫溫的冷庫中。
▲ A.溫度為2℃以上的冷庫,作為鮮蛋、水果、蔬萊等食品的保鮮用
▲ B.溫度為-18℃左右的冷庫,作為肉類、魚類等冷凍食品的冷藏用
▲ C.溫度為-25℃或低于-25℃的冷庫,作為鮮肉或鮮魚制品或調理食品的速凍用。

Wenhui  brand industrial air cooler can be used for various types of refrigeration engineering, cooling, refrigeration, freezing and frozen can also be used for industrial low-temperature air-conditioning.
▲ WHAF type series air cooler can be used with different amount of compression refrigeration condensing unit matching, as re-frigeration equipment, cold storage temperature for the differentlibraries.
▲ A.Temperature of 2℃ above the refrigerator, as eggs,fruits vegetables and other food preservation purposes
▲ B.Temperature of about -18℃ cold storage, as meat, fish and other frozen foods cold storage use
▲ C.Or below a temperature of -25℃ -25℃ cold storage, as fresh meat or fish products, or use frozen prepared foods.


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