產品名稱;日本得樂TECLOCK百分表 產品型號:KM-55 產品品牌;日本得樂TECLOCK 產品簡介:這款長桿測的尺寸達到50mm,100mm,便于精密零件測量 英譯對照Long stroke dial gauge of which scale mark plate is large as 50mm, 100mm and 150mm. Measuring up to 150mm stroke is realized with precision parts of high durability and TECLOCK original enlargement mechanism. 日本得樂TECLOCK百分表產品參數 型 號 最小讀(MM) 測最范圍(MM) 指示誤差 測定力(N)以下 領界誤差 測定范圍 KM-55 0.05 50 30 ±100 2.5 KM-155 0.1 50 15 ±35 2.5 KM-155D 0.01 50 15 ±35 2.5