產品名稱;日本得樂TECLOCK橡膠硬度計(D) 產品型號:電子式D型 產品品牌;日本得樂TECLOCK 產品簡介:橡膠硬度計 D型是一款測高硬度計的硬度計,如硬度橡膠, 塑料硬橡膠. 如果存在不平衡的測量面,減少平面,對于形狀不規則凹凸深的底部,可以很好的測量,數字式顯示,便于讀取測量值 日本得樂TECLOCK橡膠硬度計的規格: 硬度型號 D型 型號 規格 標準 測量材料 測定行程 GSD-720H 深孔型 JI K 6253 ISO7619 ASTM D 2240 硬橡膠 2.50mm GSD-720L 腳長型 英譯對照: In case there unevenness on the measured face, less flat face because of irregular shape and deep bump at the bottom, depressed face of durometer is difficult to reach and sometimes accurate measurement is not possible. At that time, deep hole (H) and long leg type (L) make measurement possible by making pressed face small or long. Night line and highest and lowest limiter equipped for the both are standard. Then, long leg type complies with DIN 53505.