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大款MP3超人奧特曼搖擺機 詳細信息

產品編號: 4137333616 產品名稱: 大款MP3超人奧特曼搖擺機supper man wobbler 規  格: 110*70*110CM 產品備注: CT-DH905 產品類別: 大款畫屏搖擺機 產 品 說 明 功能:投幣定時電動搖擺機:接通電源,投入一元硬幣,控制器自動累計計數,機器就會前后上下搖擺,同時播放兒歌,即時按按紐,會發出八種模擬聲響,時間到,自動停止.若要移動,只需一只手從前面提起,靠后面的兩滑輪就能輕松移位.自動投幣式,配合燈光、音樂及計數器,管理方便. 使用范圍:適合有兒童家庭,大街,廣場,游藝場,各大中小型超市及公共娛樂場所使用,是個人投資的最佳選擇.開有店面的人,在自己店面前再加這樣一個設備, 小小的投入,超值的回報.個人購買后可以與商家利潤分成,商家提供電源,每個月固定時間收錢2-3次就可以。一個人可投資5-6臺,或者有好的地方投資的更加多臺. 機器配置:mp3控制器.普通投幣器,電機,底座,皮帶.方向盤,畫屏. 拓展配置:防盜鐵盒子錢箱,防假幣防偽。 銷售電話:0086-576-88154678 移動電話:0086-13957683735 傳真:0086-576-84993538 Function: Throws the coin fixed time electrically operated wobbler: Puts through the power source, will invest a Yuan coin, the controller automatic accumulation counting, the machine around up and down will swing, simultaneously will broadcast the nursery song, will press the push button immediately, will make eight kind of simulation sounds, the time, automatic stopping. If moves, only needs a hand to mention from front, can with ease shift depending on the following two pulleys. Automatic coin-operated, the coordinate light, music and the counter, manage conveniently. use scope: Suitable to have the child family, the avenue, the square, the recreation field, each major and medium small supermarket and the public recreation area use, are the individual investment best choices. Opens human who has the shop front, adds this kind of equipment again before own shop front, small investment, over value repayment. After individual purchase, may with business gain sharing, the business provide the power source, every month the fixed time receives money 2-3 times to be possible. A person may invest 5-6, or has good place investment more Taiwan. machine disposition: mp3 controller. Throws the coin ordinary, electrical machinery, foundation, leather belt. Steering wheel, painted screen. development disposition: Security hard box cash box, against false coin forgery-proof. Sells the telephone: 0086-576-88154678 Mobile phone:0086-13957683735 facsimile: 0086-576-84993538

浙江省臺州市長騰搖擺機廠 發布與 大款MP3超人奧特曼搖擺機 相關的產品

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