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德國Systec Systec高壓滅菌器 Systec 高壓滅菌鍋
德國賽斯太克Systec GmbH Lab-System-Technologies公司成立于1994年,致力于實驗室儀器的銷售和服務,特別是高壓滅菌器。與世界最大的高壓滅菌器生產商Tuttnauer合作生產的實驗室、工業和醫用高壓滅菌器。用戶范圍含概大學、Max-Planck研究所、政府研究機構、大規模實驗室、制藥和食品企業、政府檢測部和私人實驗室。還包括生物技術、基因和診斷方面研究的客戶,Systec GmbH強調出色的服務并將繼續在此領域內不斷創新。特點-使整個滅菌過程時間縮短。
Systec GmbH Labor-Systemtechnik was founded in 1994. It develops, manufactures and markets,
laboratory autoclaves (steam sterilizers) and media preparators throughout the world. All of our
managers have over twenty years of experience in this sector.
Our goal
Our goal is to utilize the results of intensive dialog with our customers to further develop our products
and to incorporate relevant innovations in order to render steam sterilization in the laboratory simpler,
more precise, safer and more reproducible than ever before – and all at a favorable price/benefit ratio
for our customers.
Own development, design and production
In our own development department, our apparatuses are continuously developed and maintained
at state-of-the-art status. Their modular design makes it possible to cover all standard and special
applications in the area of laboratory steam sterilization. In addition, special customer requirements
can be taken into account; special processes can also be developed, tested and brought to marketing
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