________________________________________ ■ 適用范圍 1.1區 2區危險場所 2.IIA IIB類爆炸性氣體環境 3.溫度級別T1~T4 4.可配裝小功率鹵素物燈泡 5.*要求IIC類時請注明 Application Can be used in Zone 1and Zone2dangerous places Can be used in IIA IIBgroup explosive atmosphere Temperature classification;T1~T4 Suitable for incandescent lamp mercury vapor lamp Please noted if II C group ________________________________________ ■ 產品特點 1.鑄鋁合金外殼,表面噴塑 2.應急燈光源采用鹵素燈泡,其優點是亮度強 壽命長,配有特制反光碗照明通光亮射程遠可達600米至1000米 3.內裝免維護鎳隔電池組,在正常供電下自動充電,事故斷電或停電時應急燈自動點亮,應急時間為60分鐘 4.鋼管或電纜布線均可 5.可根據用戶要求設置試驗按鈕和指示燈 Features Diecasted aluminium alloy shess with plastic-sprayed surface Normal lamp and emergency lamp of the division type are respectively suitable to the appropriate sites but the dual urpose for lighting and emergecy type share a same lamp body moreover light source is independent Under the normal power-supplying condition inner Nickel-Cadmium battery can recharge automatically so that theemergency lamp will turn on automatically when the power lose because of accident or power failure