交流220V LED防爆燈,有發光效率高、奉命長、綠色環保等優點,已廣泛用危險區照明及住宅小區、學校、醫院、公共場所照明。
防眩功能 透明件選用先進的照明光學原理優化設計,光線均勻、柔和,無眩光、無重影,有效避免施工作業人員產生不適和疲勞感。
光效節能 選用的氣體放電光源,光效高、壽命長,壽命可高達30000小時;功率因數大于0.9,發光效率高,透光性好。
防震功能 多道防震結構和一體化設計,確保其在高頻、多頻振動環境中長期安全工作。
適用環境 采用高強度合金外殼,進行特殊的表面噴涂和密封處理,可在高溫潮濕和各種腐蝕性等惡劣環境下長期使用。
安裝方式 座式、吸頂式和吊頂式等多種安裝方式,適應不同工作現場的照明需要。電子、機械雙重保護,開蓋后自動切斷電源,增加了使用和維護的安全性、穩定、可靠性。
1 額定電壓:220 V
2 光源:LED
功率:150/70 V
光通量:13000/5500 lm
平均使用壽命:10000 lm
功率:150/70 W
光通量:16000/6000 lm
平均使用壽命:30000 h
3 燈具引入電纜:φ8~10 mm
本產品嚴格按照ISO9001:2000國際質量管理體系標準進行質量控制,確保產品質量高于國家標準,完全達到設計要求,產品實行3年保用, 自購買之日起3年內,產品正常使用下出現任何故障由本公司負責免費維護.
BFC8183 - LED lamp explosion-proof lamps
Exchange 220V LED lamp, have high luminous efficiency, long, green and was already widely used gas-masks advantages, lighting and residential areas, schools, hospitals, public lighting.
Description: a,
The company to meet railway, electric power, metallurgy, petroleum, petrochemical and palant, workshop, stations and large stadium facilities places such as floodlighting demand, the latest research and development of ANFC9180 type prevent dazzle omni, no glare, without overlap, shockproof corrosion resistance, energy saving, safety and reliability.
Second, performance features:
Prevent dazzle function transparent parts adopt the advanced lighting optical principle optimization design, the light is even and soft, no glare, without overlap, effectively avoid the construction work personnel produces discomfort and tiredness.
Efficacy energy-saving selection of gas discha