MAIN FEATURES Double―column horizontal bandsawing machine mainly used for all kinds of large―scalematerial sawing with high effciency high precision save material saving energyetc ※ Double column structure vertical liftinghigh stability ※ Adopts linear guide rail and high precision ※ Double oil cylinder control,to opertte smoothly ※ The hydraulic presuure contronls the sppedof saw stepless speed regulation ※ The camp of workpieces and hydraulic, contronl easy ※ Electric automatic feed
產品型號 MODEL NO GH4270 GH4280 切削能力(mm) Cutting capacity 800W×800H 800W×800H 鋸條線速(m/min) Blade speed 27.45.69 27.45.69 鋸條規格(mm) Blade size 7205x54x1.6 8820x67x1.6 主電機功率(kw) Main motor power 5.5 7.5 液壓電機(kw) Motor hydraulic 1.1 2.25 冷卻泵功率(kw) Coolant pump 0.125 0.125 工作夾緊方式 Clamping type 液壓虎鉗 液壓虎鉗 鋸條張緊方式 Blabe tensioning 液壓 液壓 主傳動結構 Drive configuration 齒輪減速機 齒輪減速機 送料方式 Deliver expect fashion 電動 電動 外形尺寸(mm) Overall dimension 3500x1800x2500 4130×2150×2500