辦理外商投資企業中國代表處所需要提供的文檔: The documents needed for representative office of foreign enterprise provided by you:
1: 公司注冊證書復印件和外國公司中國駐當地的大使館、領事館或當地律師行對該證書的認證原件。 The copy of company registration certificate and the notary public document of original certification by embassy or consulate of China or local law firm. 2:資信證明原件兩份(最好是中文版)(由外方所開賬戶銀行出具) The credit certification script of bank of foreign company (Remark how many savings in the bank). 3:首席代表的護照復印件與大一寸彩照8張。 The copy of passport of executive director and 8×1″color photos of executive director. 4:場地證明:租賃合同原件(須經房屋租賃管理所備案)、產權證明復印件 Representative offices lease contract (taken to housing administration bureau to register a file) and the copy of the house-owner property certificate. 5:外國企業常駐代表機構設立登記申請書(我司提供) The application form of foreign companies for setting up representative office registration(provided by us ). 6:董事會任命首席代表的任命書(我司提供)(董事簽名,蓋公章) The letter of appointment by the directorate(signed by the director and seal). 7: 外國公司授權書(我司提供) The letter of authority by foreign company(signed by the director and seal)
二 我們提供的服務內容: The service provided by us:
第一、把領事館認證文件和銀行資信證明翻譯成中文 Firstly, we need to translate the notary public document of original certification and the credit certification script of bank into Chinese. 第二、辦理流程 Secondly, process as following: 1、提出申請 Making an Application 2、完成文件:審核批準 Documents being evaluated and approved 3、申領工商登記證、工作證(15個工作日) Application for registration certificates, work permit&nbs