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[供應]福建畫冊印刷 畫冊印刷設計 畫冊印刷哪里最快就在
  • 產品產地:全國
  • 產品品牌:萬彩
  • 包裝規格:無
  • 產品數量:1
  • 計量單位:普通
  • 產品單價:0
  • 更新日期:2014-04-28 14:19:11
  • 有效期至:2015-04-28
  • 收藏此信息
福建畫冊印刷 畫冊印刷設計 畫冊印刷哪里最快就在 詳細信息

福建畫冊印刷 畫冊印刷設計 畫冊印刷哪里最快就在福州萬彩包裝印務有限公司15980258221 畫冊設計   畫冊設計采用專業平面設計軟件進行設計,常見的可用來設計畫冊的軟件有Photoshop、Illustrator 、CorelDRAW。   畫冊設計分為封面設計和內頁設計,封面一般要大氣,讓人眼前一亮,要有一看就想翻閱內頁的沖動。   內頁要分清層次,總結歸類,一般包含單位簡介、產品、文化、資質、榮譽、團隊等信息。   畫冊設計排版時應該根據印刷版面要求進行版面設計。比如要印一本畫冊,制作時需要注意開本的大小,排版的形式(橫排或豎排),正文的字體字號,每頁的行數及每行的字數,字與字及行與行之間的空隙,頁面的欄數及每欄的字數,欄與欄之間的間距,頁碼及頁碼的擺放位置,頁眉頁腳的位置及大小等。 Brochure Design Album design using professional graphic design software to design, commonly used to design the album‘s software Photoshop, Illustrator, CorelDRAW. Album cover design and the design is divided into pages designed to cover the general atmosphere, bright spots, wanted to have a look inside the urge to read the page. To distinguish the page level, summarize classified generally contain Introduction, products, culture, intelligence, honor, team and other information. Layout should be based on demand book printing layout design layout. For example, to print a book, you need to pay attention to the size of the production format, layout form (horizontal or vertical), text font size, words per line and the number of lines per page, between words and between lines of the gap between words and the number of columns per page, column, bar placement and spacing between columns, page numbers and page numbers, headers and footers location and size.

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