適用范圍 Application ■1區、2區危險場所。 ■ⅡA、ⅡB、IIC類爆炸性氣體環境。 ◆Can be used in Zone 1 and Zone 2 dangerous places. ◆Can be used in IIA、IIB、IIC group explosive atmosphere. 型號含義Mode implication
產品特點 Featrues ■本產品復合型結構,開關箱采用隔爆型結構,母線箱及出線 ◆ This product is of combined structure,switch box adopts The structrue 箱采用增安型結構. of flame-proof,busbar and outlet compartment are of safety increased type. ■鑄鋁合金外殼,內裝高分析斷小型斷路器,具有過載短路保 ◆ MCB with high breaking capacity is mounted inside the diedcastedAI-alloy shell 護功能并可根據要求增加漏電保護等功能. Which has the function of protecting of electrical leakage is available as required. ■采用模塊結構,各種回路可以自由選擇組合. ◆ Moulded structure,free combination for each circuit. ■有特殊要求可特制.