TTV支耳式不銹鋼對夾蝶閥 TTV has developed this range to offer a product which is appropriate for the competitive conditioning and irrigation market. The product has the following features: -TTV guarantee:full responsibility and afer-sales service. -Outstanding quality/price relationship. -Immediate service:large stock availability. TTV已開發出來的該系列產品兼具適應空調系統和灌溉系統市場能力和競爭力,它們有以下幾個特征: -TTV的保證:完全可信賴并具備完整的售后服務. -顯著的性價比 -服務及時:擁有足夠大的庫存 From our first aluminium valves to our current iron-bodied valves, our products have gained wide acceptance everywhere in Europe. 從我們第一個鋁閥門到現時的鐵閥體的閥門,我們的產品在歐洲各地已得到廣泛的認可. The range includes: -Range:DN 40 to DN 300. -Wafer and Lug type. -Operated by levers and gearboxes. 該系列包括: -范圍:DN40到DN300 -類型:WAFER(對夾式)和LUG(支耳式) -手柄和減速器操作 TTV valves in the industry series are used in all sectors, mainly: -Water -Petrochemistry -Energy -Pblic works -Shipbuilding -Lron and steel indurtry -Chemistry -Gas 同類產品有:TTV對夾式蝶閥|TTV法蘭蝶閥|TTV高性能PTFE半襯蝶閥|TTV高性能PTFE全襯蝶閥|TTV高性能軟密封雙偏心蝶閥|TTV高性能硬密封三偏心蝶閥|TTV高性能硬密封雙偏心蝶閥|TTV軟密封閘閥|TTV雙法蘭蝶閥|TTV支耳式蝶閥|[進口閥門|進口蝶閥]進口TTV蝶閥