TTV氣動高性能雙偏心蝶閥 We have twenty-five years’experience manufacturing butterfly valves,which allows us to offer a highly specialized product that has been tested in all industry sectors. The quality of our valves is fully gusrsnteed,thanks to the technical advice we receive while choosing ma-terials and the hydrostatic tests we carry out on all the products prior to delivery.Our prod-ucts have the typical advantages of butterfly valves,as well as other additional advantages which have been obtained during these last twenty-five years of reseach and development. -Reduced size and weight. -Quick assembly and disassembly. -Easy operation and electric,pneumatic and hydraulic automation. -Self-cleaning,no maintenance required. -Complete tightness and minimal pressure drop. --Single-piece shaft without bolts. 概述 我們擁有二十五年的蹀閥制造經驗,這也使我們能夠向您提供高品質的產品,這些產品都是已經在各個領域經受了考驗,我們的閥門有絕對的質量保證,因為我們在選用材料方面做到更科學,并且在所有產品出廠前都通過嚴格的液壓測試.經過了二十五年的研發歷程,我們的產品除了擁有蹀閥的所有典型優點外,還有其他許多優勢: -體積小,重量輕 -安裝,拆卸及操作簡易 -方便的手動操作,電動,氣動和液壓自動化操作 -可自動清潔,無需維護 -完全密封,最大程度保壓 -單件閥桿,不用插銷. TTV閥門將一如既往地為您服務 銷售熱線:0371-53778386 手機:13223023050 Email:[email protected] 網址