奇安道閘 奇安道閘系統 最便宜18006926920 福州奇安(Fuzhou Qeean )電子科技有限公司自2008年創立以來,本著“創中國名牌,爭行業第一”的企業愿景,在短短數年間飛速發展,取得了令人矚目的成績,已悄然躋身中國門業的前列。目前,捷恩西公司已建立起完善的能覆蓋全國的銷售網絡和客戶服務機構,產品也從最初的一個門控系列產品,拓展到開門機、道閘、停車場管理系統等多個領域,發展出幾百個品種。Fuzhou Qeean Digital Technology Company, established in 2008 with the vison of To be No.1 in industry and a leading brand in China, has made a significant achievement within short time. Currently, it has made a national sales network and customer service offices by offering various products. From a single door control product to more than 100 products such as door lifter, rod, parking management system.http://www.myqeean.com