產品介紹我們模壓的最大制品尺寸為1200mm×1200mm,我們的設備從63T~500T的液壓機,我們提供的模壓服務是性價比最高的。目前我們提供的制品應用于高低壓電器、電廠除塵設備、風力發電設備、移動天線、船用設備等。產品屬性The largest size of our moulding production is 1200mm×1200mm, and hydraulic crusher is 63T~500T. We provide the best value moulding processing, widely used in power equipment, dedusting equipment of power plant, wind turbine, mobile antenna, marine equipment and etc.其他說明The largest size of our moulding production is 1200mm×1200mm, and hydraulic crusher is 63T~500T. We provide the best value moulding processing, widely used in power equipment, dedusting equipment of power plant, wind turbine, mobile antenna, marine equipment and etc.交易說明我們的BMC注射業務分柱塞式注射與螺桿式注射,根據產品的應用和要求不同選用不同的方式,同時我們提供與之相配套的BMC材料的解決方案。目前我們提供的制品應用于電機塑封、斷路器轉軸、直流接觸器等。