PVA海綿吸水輥簡介: PVA海綿吸水輥,又稱PVA海綿吸水滾輪、PVA海綿吸水轆,其用途是吸水,吸水能力強可達自身重量的6~10倍。它由親水性高分子樹脂(PVA)及發泡劑等化學物質混合保溫成型。特性:連續式氣孔發泡,分子內有OH基、親水性能優、能快速吸取板面水漬,柔軟性、彈性,不會刮傷表面。吸水優、耐溫60℃,使用前先浸泡水中30分鐘,讓液體均衡滲入海綿輥內(保濕)。適用:電路板內外層、BGA、IC腳架、液晶顯示器、無塵擦拭布、半導體晶圓清洗刷滾、玻璃、食品業、鋼板業、游泳池、網球場清潔等......是現在最經濟、吸水性特優的滾輪
貴陽永華刷輥有限公司 0851-5518584 王先生18085017863 QQ631321516
PVA sponge bibulous roll profile: PVA sponge bibulous roller, also called PVA sponge bibulous roller, PVA sponge bibulous roll, its usage is bibulous, the water absorption ability of its own weight 6 ~ 10 times. It consists of hydrophilic polymer resin (PVA) and chemical foaming agent, mixed heat preservation to shape. Characteristics: the continuous stomatal foam, molecules, foundation, and there were OH hydrophilic can learn from board face can quickly optimal, tar, softness and flexibility, won't scratch the surface. Bibulous optimal, temperature 60 ℃, before using immerse first water for 30 minutes, let the fluid balance into the sponge in the roll (moisturizing). Suitable for: circuit board inside and outside layer, BGA, IC feet frame, LCD monitor, wipe fiber cloth, semiconductor wafer cleaning brush rolling, glass, food, steel industry, swimming pool, tennis court, etc... is now clean the most economic, water imbibition excellent the roller
Guiyang forever China brush roller Co., LTD 0851-5536503 Mr. Wang 18085017863 QQ631321516