PVA吸水海綿管 PVA吸水滾輪
PVA吸水海綿管/吸水海綿片(電路板上使用的吸水棒)/口腔手術用醫藥用棉/過濾筒(自來水廠使用/醫藥加工中過濾)(PVA材質聚乙烯醇)主要使用在橡膠冷凝、橡膠鞋底制造行業、平板玻璃、鋼化玻璃的冷卻(玻璃水冷卻后吸水清潔)、鏡面業、空調吸水、電路板水冷卻后吸水清潔、油墨行業、網球場、高爾夫球等場地清潔吸水以及航天業等很廣泛的領域。 PVA吸水棉: 1.吸水海綿片使用前于水中浸泡至軟(不得浸泡于80`C以上的水中),使用后于通風處晾干,使之變硬, 2.該產品具有極強的吸水能力和給水能力,吸滿水后不滴水 3.該產品含有防霉劑,不會發霉,比其它任何海綿的彈性都強而且不易撕裂 4.該產品很輕,柔滑且吸水性極好; 5.適用于化妝、抹布、運動時吸汗,口腔手術中吸水吸血及清潔用。該產品極柔軟,且液體吸滿也不會滴出。 吸水海綿片用于裝飾行業電子吸水水過濾等。有很強的韌性,密度高,耐磨性高。
貴陽永華刷輥有限公司 0851-5518584王先生18085017863 QQ631321516
PVA sponge absorbing tube PVA bibulous the roller
PVA sponge absorbing tube/bibulous sponge piece (circuit boards of great use water) / oral surgery cotton/filter cartridges with medicine (waterworks used/medicine processing of filtering) (PVA material polyvinyl alcohol) used mainly in rubber condensation, rubber sole manufacturing industry, flat glass, toughened glass cooling (glass cooling water clean), mirror industry, air conditioning water absorption, circuit boards cooling water clean, printing ink industry, tennis court, golf clean water absorption and its site and a wide range of areas. PVA bibulous cotton: 1. The water absorption of sponge soaked in water before use to soft (not to soak in 80 ` C above the water), use ventilation after dry it in, make harden, 2. The product has strong water absorption capability and water supply capacity, and is full of water don't drop 3. This product contains mould inhibitor, won't mildewy, more than any other of sponge flexibility are strong and not easy tear 4. Th