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Babbit alloy, tin based Babbitt alloy, lead base bearing alloy, bearing alloy, Babbitt metal alloys are widely used in the large mechanical equipment such as ball mill, steam turbine, power plants, shipyards and other industries. Babbit alloy, tin based Babbitt alloy material Co., Ltd. Henan maple production. Lead base bearing alloy, alloy bearing alloy materials with wear resistance, corrosion resistance and other advantages, has been recognized by our customers.
Babbitt alloy is a kind of bearing alloy with low melting point, with Sn matrix Babbitt alloy, lead base bearing alloy two series. Babbitt is only suitable for low hardness material relative to the axis of rotation, compared with other bearing materials, has better adaptability and pressing sex, widely used in large mining machinery and large rotating machinery etc.. Babbit‘s according to grades and different product characteristics, technical index and use of various types of Babbitt alloy are also different. If the customer of Babbitt alloy strength and hardness and corrosion resistance are required, it can choose the tin based Babbitt alloy. If the customer in pursuit of economic benefits, so can choose to lead base bearing alloy tin content is low. But customers in the use of Babbitt alloy, usually choose tin based Babbitt, the products performance and advantages are incomparable lead base bearing alloy.