◆適用于爆炸性氣體環境1區、2區;◆ applicable to the 2 District, 1 District, explosive gas environment ◆適用于IIA、IIB級爆炸性氣體環境;◆ applicable to IIA, IIB explosive gas environment ◆適用于溫度組別為T1~T4的環境;◆ applicable for temperature groups T1 to T4 environment ◆適用于石油采煉、儲存、化工、醫藥、軍工及軍事設施等爆炸性危險環境。◆ applicable to the petroleum production and refining, storage, chemical, pharmaceutical, military and military facilities and other explosive dangerous environment.訂貨須知Ordering instructions◆本系列風機所帶百葉為可拆卸式,用戶可根據需要自行安裝。This series fan with a shutter is removable, the user can according to need to install.列:若需訂購CBF防爆軸流風機,扇葉直徑為600mm、額定電壓為220V、安裝方式為管道式,不帶百葉,則訂貨型號為“CBF-600/220II”。Column: if you need to order the CBF explosion-proof axial flow fan, fan diameter is 600mm, rated voltage 220V, installation of pipeline, without blind, then order type "CBF-600/220II".