收購agilentn5230c 回收    聯系人:王< 經理>   手機:13725884647
電 話:0769-87900534  服務QQ:250974690
EIME;[email protected]
美國 網絡分析儀
型號 N5230C
品名 安捷倫
N5230C|Agilent N5230C 20G|射頻矢量網絡分析儀|6/13.5/20 GHz/40/50 GHz測量速度:每點4至9微秒
The PNA-L is designed for your general-purpose network analysis needs and priced for your budget.
300 kHz to 6 GHz, 2-port
300 kHz to 13.5 GHz, available in 2- and 4-port
10 MHz to 20 GHz, available in 2- and 4-port
10 MHz to 40 GHz, 2-port
10 MHz to 50 GHz, 2-port
品牌:安捷倫 Agilent
300 kHz至6/13.5/20 GHz和10 MHz至20/40/50 GHz
2 - 或4 - 與港口兩個內置的來源