河北生物質鍋爐介紹永藍燃煤鍋爐改造 YL生物質鍋爐是以生物質能源做為燃料的鍋爐,分為生物質蒸汽鍋爐、生物質熱水鍋爐、生物質熱風爐、生物質導熱油爐、立式生物質鍋爐、臥式生物質鍋爐等。
YL Biomass boiler based on biomass energy as fuel boiler, hot water boiler is divided into biomass steam boiler, biomass, biomass, biomass furnace heat conduction oil furnace, vertical, horizontal biomass, biomass boiler, boiler, etc.
河北生物質鍋爐介紹永藍燃煤鍋爐改造 鍋爐采用最適合生物質燃料燃燒的燃燒設備————往復爐排。鍋爐在結構設計上,相對傳統鍋爐爐膛空間較大,同時布置非常合理的二次風,有利于生物質燃料燃燒時瞬間析出的大量揮發分充分燃燒。鍋爐配有自動清灰裝置,能及時清除鍋爐受熱面的積灰,保證鍋爐高效穩定運行。鍋爐尾部布置有省煤器、也可根據用戶需要布置空氣預熱器。相對傳統的鍋爐,鍋爐效率更高,排煙溫度低。
Boiler adopts the most suitable for biomass fuel combustion, reciprocating grate combustion equipment. In the structural design of boiler, relative to the traditional boiler furnace space is large, secondary air at the same time arrangement is very reasonable, is advantageous to the biomass fuel burns instantly precipitation amounts of volatile combustion in full. Boiler is equipped with automatic slag discharge device, can keep clear of boiler heating surface dust, to ensure the high-efficiency and stable operation of the boiler. Boiler tail is decorated with economizer, can also according to customer needs, arrangement of air preheater. Relative to the traditional boiler, the boiler efficiency is higher, exhaust smoke temperature is low.
河北生物質鍋爐介紹永藍燃煤鍋爐改造 采用高效保溫材料,鍋爐表面溫度低,散熱損失可以忽略不計。嚴格按中國國家規范和標準生產,所有受壓部件均采用優質鍋爐鋼材。每臺鍋爐出廠前都要經過嚴格的檢驗和測試,包括水壓試驗和X射線檢測。設置有人孔、檢查門、觀火孔等,維護保養十分方便。生物質鍋爐的最大特點是:節能、環保,且安裝使用方便。
Adopt high-efficiency heat preservation material, low surface temperature of the boiler, heat loss is negligible. Strictly in accordance with China‘s national standard and standard production, all pressure parts adopt high quality steel boiler. Per boiler are through strict inspection and testing before delivery, including the hydraulic pressure test and X-ray detection. Set a manhole, inspection door, fire hole and so on, maintenance is very convenient. The biggest characteristic of the biomass boiler is: energy saving, environmental protection, and easy installation and use.
河北生物質鍋爐介紹永藍燃煤鍋爐改造:153 8397 6763