Ecosafene Fire Safety Test for Upholstered Furniture
BS 5852:ignitability of upholstered seating by smouldering and flaming ignition sources
BS 5852:用悶燃和燃燒點火源對軟座進行易燃性評價的試驗方法
BS 7176:resistance to ignition of upholstered furniture for non domestic seating by testing composites
BS 7176:采用測試復合料的非家用座椅用裝飾家具的耐燃性規范
EN 1021:Furniture Assessment of the ignitability of upholstered furniture
EN 1021:家具.裝飾家具著火性的評估.
ISO 8191: Furniture Assessment of the ignitability of upholstered furniture
ISO 8191: 家具 軟墊家具可燃性判定
TB 116:Flame Retardance of Upholstered Furniture
TB 116:軟墊家具阻燃防火測試
TB 117:Flame Retardance of Resilient Filling Materials Used in Upholstered Furniture.
TB 117:軟墊家具的彈性填充材料阻燃防火測試
TB 133:Flammability Test Procedure for Seating Furniture for Use in Public Occupancies
TB 133:公共場所椅類家具阻燃防火測試
NFPA 260(UFAC):Cigarette Ignition esistance of Components of Upholstered Furniture
NFPA 260(UFAC):軟墊家具零部件對香煙點燃的阻燃防火測試
NFPA 266: Fire Characteristics of Upholstered Furniture Exposed to Flaming Ignition Source
NFPA 266: 軟墊家具遭受燃燒火源的燃燒特性
16 CFR 1634:Flammability of Residential Upholstered Furniture
16 CFR 1634:家用軟墊家具可燃性測試
GB 20286: 公共場所阻燃制品及組件燃燒性能要求和標識
GB 17927: 軟體家具 彈簧軟床墊和沙發阻燃特性的判定
易朔已為多數鐵路軌道車輛,火車,機車材料及配件制造商,提供德國標準 DIN5510 2 阻燃防火測試服務,同時提供歐盟EN45545 2, 英國 BS6853, 法國NF F16 101/102, 美國NFPA130, 意大利UNI CEI11170 2, 和 UIC564 2等,船舶材料IMO 阻燃防火測試,聯系我們或登錄易朔官網Ecosafene.com,我們將與您分享具體的測試方法與技術分析!TEL:0592 5056211