ASTM D5132汽車座椅,窗簾,車內材料等等阻燃測試
Ecosafene Fire Safety Test for Vehicle Interiors
FTMS 5903:Federal Test Method 5903 Flammability (Vertical Test).
FTMS 5903:美國聯邦測試方法5903可燃性測試(垂直燃燒)
FTMS 5906:Federal Test Method 5906 Flammability (Horizontal Test).
FTMS 5906:美國聯邦測試方法5906可燃性測試(水平燃燒)
FMVSS 302:Flammability of materials used in the occupant compartments of motor vehicles
FMVSS 302:交通工具車廂內飾材料的燃燒測試
ASTM D5132:Horizontal Burning Rate of Polymeric Materials Used in Occupant Compartments of Motor Vehicles
ASTM D5132:機動車乘客車廂內使用的聚合材料的水平燃燒速度的標準試驗方法
TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.1 1.20:交通工具構造決議1.20內飾材料的可燃性
Regulation No 44 child restraint systems (ECE R 44)
歐洲經濟委員會 法案44 兒童安全座椅6.1.6阻燃要求
95/28/EC:Testing of the burning behaviour of Materials used in the interior Construction of Motor Vehicles
ISO 3795/JIS D1201:Road vehicles, and tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry-Determination of burning behaviour of interior materials
ISO 3795/JIS D1201:農業和林業用道路車輛、拖拉機和機具.內部裝飾材料燃燒性能的測定
SAE J369:Flammability of Polymeric Interior Materials—Horizontal Test Method
SAE J369:聚合物內飾材料阻燃測試—水平燃燒測試
DIN 72500:Determination of burning behaviour of interior materials in motor vehicles
DIN 72500:機動車輛內部材料的燃燒性能判定
TL1010: Materials for vehicle interiors-Flammability of materials requirement
TL1010: 汽車內飾材料燃燒性能
GB 8410:Flammability of automotive interior materials
GB 8410:汽車內飾材料燃燒特性
易朔已為多數鐵路軌道車輛,火車,機車材料及配件制造商,提供德國標準 DIN5510-2 阻燃防火測試服務,同時提供歐盟EN45545-2, 英國 BS6853, 法國NF F16-101/102,&n