GB/T 11785:2005 Reaction to fire tests for floorings-Determination of the burning behaviour using a radiant heat source
GB/T 11785:2005鋪地材料阻燃防火測試簡介:GB/T 11785:2005 鋪地材料臨界輻射通量的測定-輻射熱源法規定了評定鋪地材料燃燒性能的方法。該方法是在試驗燃燒箱中,用小火焰點燃水平放置并暴露于傾斜的熱輻射場中的鋪地材料,評估其火焰船舶能力。本方法適用于各種鋪地材料,如:地板、地板噴涂材料,橡膠地板、PVC地板,塑料地板、塑膠地板,地毯,鋁蜂窩板及其它地面覆蓋材料。 GB/T 11785:2005 Reaction to fire tests for floorings-Determination of the burning behaviour using a radiant heat source scope: This method is suitable for all kinds of flooring materials,for example,Flooring, spray materials, Rubber flooring,PVC flooring,Plastic flooring,plastic flooring,Carpet,Aluminum honeycomb panels,Other ground cover material.