易朔產品服務(廈門)有限公司將為您提供專業的ISO 11357 塑料固化率測試,聯系我們,免費咨詢!
ISO 11357 塑料的固化率測試 - 差示掃描量熱法(DSC)
ISO 11357 Plastics - Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
ISO 11357 塑料的差示掃描量熱法(DSC)簡介:本標準規定了用差示掃描量熱法(DSC)對聚合物進行的熱分析。如對熱塑性塑料和熱固性塑料,包括成型材料和復合材料的熱分析。
ISO 11357 Plastics - Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) Scope:This International Standard specifies a method for the thermal analysis of polymers such as thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics, including moulding materials and composite materials, using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).
ISO 11357 塑料的差示掃描量熱法(DSC)測試的其他相關標準:
ISO 527-4塑料拉伸性能的測定
ISO 527-4 Plastics -Determination of tensile properties
ISO 14125 玻纖增強塑料的彎曲性能的測試
ISO 14125 Fibre-reinforced plastic composites--determination of flexual properties
ISO 14130 以短梁法測定玻纖增強塑料的表觀層間剪切強度的測試方法
ISO 14130 Fibre-reinforced plastic composites —Determination ofapparent interlaminar
shear strength by short-beam method
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