AS 1530 澳大利亞標準建筑材料防火測試
Ecosafene廈門易朔為您提供專業權威的AS 1530防火測試服務。
AS 1530:建筑材料、元件和構件的防火測試方法
以下是澳大利亞標準建筑材料防火測試AS 1530的標準應用說明。
AS 1530:建筑材料、元件和構件的防火測試
AS 1530:Methods for fire tests on building materials,components and structures
Sets out test procedures and criteria for the determination of elements of construction for buildings exposed to simulated bushfire attack Radiant heat and small flaming sources.
This Standard provides methods for determining the performance of external construction elements when exposed to radiant heat, burning embers and burning debris.
1 The methods do not simulate engulfment by flames from the fire front or large burning items such as other burning buildings or adjacent isolated trees and shrubs (see AS 1530.8.2).
2 The peak level of radiant heat exposure is dependent upon the distance of the building from the potential fire front, the fire severity and the extent of shielding. The peak level can be based on an analysis of the specific site from first principles or from the classification of the site in accordance with the simple methods specified in AS 3959.
3 The results of the fire tests may be used to directly assess fire hazard, but it should be recognized that a single test method would not provide a full assessment of fire hazard under all fire conditions.
4 These fire tests provide data relating to the performance&n