產 品 說 明 Category 類 別 Trade- mark 牌 號 Chemical composition 化學成份(%) Hardness 硬 度 Application 用 途
Oxy- Acetylene Flame spray- using
焊 F103 Cr10 B1.5 Si3 Ni Rem. HRc 25 Spray-fusing of cast iron parts, such as die for glass, cylinder, and guide. 鑄鐵件的噴焊,如玻璃模具,汽缸、導軌
F101 Cr10 B2.5 Si3 Ni Rem. HRc 45 Spray-fusing of parts resistance to wear and corrosion, such as valve, the rotator and piston of pump. 耐磨、耐蝕件的噴焊,如閥門、泵轉子、泵柱塞
F101Fe Cr10 B2.5 Si3 Fe10
Ni Rem. HRc 45 Spray-fusing of corrosion-resistant parts, such as axle and stigma. 耐磨件的噴焊,如軸類、汽門
F102 Cr16 B4 Si4 Ni Rem. HRc 60 Spray-fusing of parts resistance to wear, corrosion and high temperature oxidation, such as die and piston. 耐磨、耐蝕、抗高溫氧化工件的噴焊,如模具、柱塞
F102Fe Cr16 B4 Si4 Fe15
Ni Rem. HRc 60 Spray-fusing of corrosion-resistant parts, such as axle and cold die. 耐磨件的噴焊,如軸類、冷模具
F105 F102+50%WC HRc 60 Spray-fusing of parts resistance to grain-wear , such as guide plate, scraper and blade of fan. 抗磨粒磨損場合的噴焊,如導板、刮板、風機葉片
F105Fe F102Fe+35%WC HRc 60 Spray-fusing of parts resistance to grain-wear, such as guide plate, scraper and blade of fan. 抗磨粒磨損場合的噴焊,如導板、刮板、風機葉片