供應立式攪拌機 立式攪拌機50KG 廈門立式攪拌機商家廈門巨億工貿有限公司 立式攪拌機 廈門立式攪拌機 廈門哪家立式攪拌機好 立式攪拌機50KG 特點:FEATURES 1.采用進口不銹鋼材料,耐用及清洗方便。 The mixer adopt import stainless steel,so it is durable and easy-purify. 2.臺灣垂直減速馬達,確保噪音低及持久耐用。 The mixer adopt TAIWAN-made motor,this assures themixer durable and low-noise. 3.混合力強,3分鐘內完全混合。 The mixing ability is very well,it can finish mix completely within 3 minutes. 4.占地面積少,腳輪裝置移動方便。 Small occupational room and foot-wheel mechanism makes it move easily. 5.機蓋附有保護開光,操作絕對安全 There is safeguard switch in the mixer,xo the operation is safe absolutely.