產品介紹混合設備混色機 廈門地區混合機有幾家 攪拌機銷售電話 混合機最新價格 混合機、立式攪拌機、螺桿式混料機及滾筒式攪拌機 臥式混合機 很多種規格型號,多種用途,可訂做食品級混合機,歡迎來電咨詢訂購 性能參數立式混合機特點:特點:FEATURES
1.采用進口不銹鋼材料,耐用及清洗方便。 The mixer adopt import stainless steel,so it is durable and easy-purify.
2.臺灣垂直減速馬達,確保噪音低及持久耐用。 The mixer adopt TAIWAN-made motor,this assures themixer durable and low-noise.
3.混合力強,3分鐘內完全混合。 The mixing ability is very well,it can finish mix completely within 3 minutes.
4.占地面積少,腳輪裝置移動方便。 Small occupational room and foot-wheel mechanism makes it move easily.
5.機蓋附有保護開光,操作絕對安全 There is safeguard switch in the mixer,xo the operation is safe absolutely.使用及維護大型立式混合機系列特點:
1.采用進口不銹鋼材料,耐用及清洗方便。 The mixer adopt import stainless steel,so it is durable and easy-purify.
2螺旋循環攪拌使得原料混合更加均勻、快速。 Helical circular mixture,fast and uniform stirring.
3.適用于各種塑料原料與色母的混合攪拌,新舊料及色母混合則效果更佳。 Suitable for all kind or plastic raw material&colormixing,virgin.regrind&master batch mixtures will have effectice result.
4.設有電控按去啊保護裝置,確保操作安全。 Installed wigh power control device to ensure safety.其他說明滾筒式混合機特點:1.采用進口不銹鋼。 The mixer adopt stainless steel.
2.攪拌桶360度全方位旋轉,混合絕對均勻。 The tumbling box can rotate360degree all directions,so the mixtrue is very even.
3.入料出料任意定位,操作絕對安全。 It can locate at anywhere when the material incoming or outcoming,and the operation is very safe.
4.桶內無攪拌槳設計,混合色粉清洗更方便。There is no mechanism which use to mix in the tumbling box,so the purge for the mixed color.交易說明多種規格型號 多種用途 可以訂做食品級的攪拌機,歡迎來電咨詢