中正檢測集團(簡稱OTC),是合法從事檢驗、鑒定、測試、驗貨和認證的第三方服務機構,致力于全球商品供應鏈的質量鑒定和審核業務,專注于提供各個行業的質量解決方案。Zhongzheng Group (OTC CHINA CERTIFICATE AND TESTING CENTER) is the lawful exercise of inspection, identification, testing, products inspection and certification third-party service agency. We are committed to quality appraisal, examination and verification business of the global commodity supply chain, and concentrate on providing quality solutions in a wide range of industrires.公正、健康、安全、環保、社會責任是我們每個員工的信念。Fairness, health, safeness, environment protection and social responsibility are we each employee‘s beliefs.中正集團作為全球國際貿易鏈的質量監督環節,戰略合作于全球多個行業協會與認證機構,中正將為您提供公平,公正,公開的第三方檢測與認證服務及全球最優秀的質量管控方案。Zhongzheng Group as the quality supervision chain of global international trade links, strategically cooperate in many global associations and local laboratories, Zhongzheng provides for you with fair, just and open third-party testing services and the most excellent quality control program.