CE認證,即只限于產品不危及人類、動物和貨品的安全方面的基本安全要求,而不是一般質量要求,協調指令只規定主要要求,一般指令要求是標準的任務。因此準確的含義是:CE標志是安全合格標志而非質量合格標志。是構成歐洲指令核心的"主要要求"?!癈E”標志是一種安全認證標志,被視為制造商打開并進入歐洲市場的護照。CE代表歐洲統一(CONFORMITE EUROPEENNE)。在歐盟市場“CE”標志屬強制性認證標志,不論是歐盟內部企業生產的產品,還是其他國家生產的產品,要想在歐盟市場上自由流通,就必須加貼“CE”標志,以表明產品符合歐盟《技術協調與標準化新方法》指令的基本要求。這是歐盟法律對產品提出的一種強制性要求。
Zhongzheng Group (OTC CHINA CERTIFICATE AND TESTING CENTER) is the lawful exercise of inspection, identification, testing, products inspection and certification third-party service agency. We are committed to quality appraisal, examination and verification business of the global commodity supply chain, and concentrate on providing quality solutions in a wide range of industrires.
Fairness, health, safeness, environment protection and social responsibility are we each employee‘s beliefs.
Zhongzheng Group as the quality supervision chain of global international trade links, strategically cooperate in many global associations and local laboratories, Zhongzheng provides for you with fair, just and open third-party testing services and the most excellent quality control program.