We at PUMA AG declare our strict adherence to the respect of Human Rights. As such, we share with our partners a commitment to high ethical standards and guarantee the following Code of Conduct: PUMA是嚴格尊重人權的。因此,我們與我們的合作伙伴應遵守道德標準并承諾做到以下幾點:
? No employment of minors. For this purpose, we consider a minor as one who is below 15 years of age, or the minimum age mandated by the applicable law, or the age for completing compulsory education, whichever of the three is higher. 不雇傭童工。童工是指低于15周歲,或當地法律規定的最低工作年齡,或應接受教育的年齡中任意一種。
? A workplace that promotes the health and safety of the workers as well as the protection and preservation of the environment. 一個兼顧員工健康安全及環保的工作環境。
? A normal workweek according to local labor law, up to a maximum of 48 hours, with a limit of 12 extra/overtime hours, including one day off for every seven-day period, as well as overtime compensation policies that are in accordance with local law. 工時應滿足當地規定的正常周工時規定,最高不能超過48小時正常工時,12小時加班工時,包括每七天休一天;加班補貼也應能滿足當地要求。
? Compensation that is respectful of basic needs and all benefits mandated by law. As a floor, payment of at least the minimum wage required by local law or the prevailing industry wage, whichever is higher. 薪酬應能滿足最低生活需求及法定的各種福利。最少也應滿足法定的最低工資標準或行業工資標準中較高的一個。
? Respect and equality, regardless of race, creed, age, sex, social origin, political views, sexual orientation, or position.尊重人權,注重公平,不因種族、宗教、年齡、性別、社會出身、政治觀、性取向或職位造成歧視。
? A workplace where there is dignity and respect, free from any form of forced labor, harassment, abuse or corporal punishment. 尊重人權的工作環境,不存在任何形式的強迫勞工,騷擾、辱罵或體罰。
? Freedom of association and the right to join unions or other work or industry related associations as well as the right to collective bargaining. 自由結社及參加任一協會、工作或行業相關組織的權利,以及集體談判的權利。