氣動真空蝶閥概述 LITVPBU系列氣動高真空蝶閥的氣動執行器是以壓縮空氣為動力,通過電磁換向閥改變氣路方向,推動活塞齒條、齒輪的機械運動,以角行程輸出扭矩來驅動蝶閥,作啟閉運動。從而達到接通或切斷真空管路中氣流的目的,是目前一種新型的氣動執行器控制的氣動蝶閥,分為雙作用和單作用(彈簧復位)氣缸??蛇x配反饋信號裝置及電氣閥門定位器。 Pneumatic vacuum butterfly valve pneumatic actuator is a compressed air as the driving force to change the direction of the gas line, solenoid valve, to promote the mechanical movement of the rack pistons, gears, rotary output torque to drive the butterfly valve for opening and closing movement. 適用的工作介質為空氣及非腐蝕性氣體。