進口蒸汽減壓閥(Steam Reducing Valve),它是指用在蒸汽系統管道中,通過調節,將蒸汽管道的進口壓力減至某一需要的出口壓力,并依靠蒸汽介質本身的能量,使出口壓力自動保持穩定的閥門,主閥出口壓力不因進口壓力變化而改變,并不因主閥出口流量的變化而改變其出口壓力。
The steam valve is used in the pipe of the steam system, by adjusting the inlet pressure of the steam pipe is reduced to a desired outlet pressure, and rely on the energy of the steam medium itself, and the outlet pressure to automatically maintain a stable valve, the main valve outlet pressure does not change due to changes in the inlet pressure, outlet pressure does not change due to changes in the flow of the main valve outlet
1、 蒸汽減壓閥選用優質上等材料,做工精細,能準確控制閥后壓力,并保持閥后壓力穩定;
2、 蒸汽減壓閥采用硬質不銹鋼閥芯/ 閥座,耐磨性佳;
3、 蒸汽減壓閥閥口經研磨處理,泄露率可達ANSI6級;
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